Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Park CIty Reunion September 2016

Hi All,

We had a fun sibling reunion this past week in Park City.  Sean rented an ATV and Sean, Sandy, Kim and Dad went on the ATV ride.  They all thoroughly enjoyed it and big thanks to Sean for doing this!  While they went on the ride, Mom and I drove through Wasatch State Park and saw spectacular scenery.  That evening we ate a salmon dinner and played “The Game of Things” which Sean won and Kim was the biggest cheater face of all.  The next day was tennis, hiking, looking at art galleries, eating dinner at the Blue Iguana and then watching the BYU-Utah football game.  We left the next morning.  A good time was had by all. 

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Kim Marathon May 2016

Hi All, 

Kim ran the Ogden Marathon again this year--she tells us it is her eighth time but at our age who can remember anything.  I want proof.  Anyway, here she is crossing the finish line.  Congratulations Kim!  You are an inspiration to all!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Picture of Sibling DInner, June 2015

Hi All,

Below is a picture of the sibling dinner we had at Sean and Jana's last Sunday:

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Old New Jersey Pictures, March 2015

Hi All, 

After our cruise, we stopped by Tim's house.  We talked for hours and he showed me these old pictures: 

Old New Jersey pictures, March 2015

Hi All,

Sandy and I went on a cruise leaving out of Houston.  Afterwards we stopped at Tim and Ann Lund's house to remember old times and catch up.  Here are some old pictures from Tim:

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Montana Fishing Trip, Sep 2014

Hi All, 

We went to "A River Runs Through It"  in Montana.  We had a great time fishing, playing bridge, talking and eating.  I've also included an unrehearsed movie I made of Dad fishing when we went to the Grey's River years ago.  Sean was interested in this video.  Repeat, this was unrehearsed! 

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Memorial Day 2014

Hi All,

Below are two pictures at Martha Jesina Allred's gravesite.  I sometimes think of her.  Look at how old we're getting!